Jin Hong Mok, University of Hawaii
Title of Research Paper: Emerging pulsed electric field (PEF) and static magnetic field (SMF) combination technology for food freezing
JiYoung Kim , Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
Title of Research Paper: Role of moisture on the lipid oxidation determined by D2O in linoleic acid model system
Shin-Joung Rho, Seoul National University, South Korea
Title of Research Paper: Inclusion complex of cycloamylose and chlorogenic acid and its antioxidant activity
Holim Jang, Cornell University
Title of Research Paper: Protective effects of chlorogenic acid derivatives and coffee extract on hypoxia-induced retinal degeneration
Seung Hyun Lee, University of Hawaii
Title of Research Paper: Effective Pasteurization of Chunky Mixed Fruit in Juice Using Continuous Flow, Simultaneous Microwave, and Ohmic Combination Heating Technology
Jeesu Choe , Inha University, South Korea
Title of Research Paper: Effects of Extraneous Antioxidants on the Singlet Oxygen-related Photooxidative Stability of W/High Oleic-Linolenic DAG Oil Emulsion